Thursday, January 29, 2009

Work it...own it!

Today, I worked it...and I owned it! Not so much like Julie Roberts in Pretty Woman...but I made it happen. It helped that I was jamming out to the Husky Basketball game! It's half-time and WHAT A GAME!

I did my walk/run again today, but up'd my game to 2 minute run (5.1 mph) intervals and 2 minute walk (3.6 mph) intervals. I ran for a combined 14 minutes and walked for 26 minutes, for a total of 2.5 miles and 240 calories.

I then headed over to the a/c bike and worked out my arms and legs. I completed 30 minutes, 6.5 miles and 110 calories.

I feel great and am off to cheer my DAWGS on!

Gone for the weekend...but I'll be doing some outdoor activities. Hoping to hit the pool at 5am tomorrow...but it all depends on this darn cold that WILL NOT go away!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2's day...

Another trip to the gym, after work...with all this bad weather in the morning, I just can't face the 10 minutes it takes to defrost my car at I've become an after-work type of girl!

Tonight, I had to tackle running again and my goal was 12 minutes. I did intervals of 1 minute run (5.0mph) and 1 minute walk (3.5mph) for a total of 30 minutes, 2 miles and 175 calories.

I then headed over to the elliptical for another 30 minutes, 3.5 miles and 250 calories.

I feel great. I'm starting to get "addicted" to working out! Can't wait to check my progress in a few weeks, months, etc.!

Monday, January 26, 2009


ho, hum, it's Monday, and a cold one at that.

I headed to the gym after work and did 20 minutes on the bike and 25 minutes on the "special" bike. The "special" bike has a full conditioning workout where you use your legs and your arms. It was fantastic.

All in all...I worked out for 45 minutes, went 10.4 miles and burned about 250 calories!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hit the hills...

For today's workout, I hit the mountain and went tubing with a group of friends. I must have hiked the hill about 12 about a 2 hour stretch. It definitely didn't fall into the Swim, Bike, Run category, but I felt the burn and even broke a sweat!

Back to the gym tomorrow!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


went for a FREEZING walk with Rich today. About 2 + miles to coffee and home! It's something.

I was supposed to go meet with my "trainer" at the YMCA, but it got I made do! Tomorrow it's Tubing!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


2 days in a row! Woo hoo!

Tonight, I did 45 minutes on the elliptical for 402 calories and 3.9 miles! Yeah!

Tomorrow, I'm taking a day off!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

and then came success!

I made it to the Y after work today and got in a great work-out. Wanted to do a little more, but I got cramps in my toes...on both feet. The pain. I even had a banana before I went. Guess I'll stretch a little more next time.

This time I did the bike...with my new shorts...and boy was it a "better" ride. I might splurge for another pair...the gel kind. I added a little more resistance to my trek today and did 5 miles in 30 minutes (210 calories). Then I switched over to the elliptical for another 25 minutes and 3 miles (240 calories).

All in all...I feel great and am glad I went.

Onward and Upward!

I tried, I failed!

I was all pumped to get up and go to the gym this morning before work (since it was closed yesterday and dark by the time I got home from work)....and somebody forgot to set the alarm for the right time. Oops! Looks like I will be hitting the gym on the way home tonight!

The cleanse is working great and I'm already down a few pounds....probably has a little to do with eating better and working out too...but it's progress!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Went Running...

yeah, right! I ran for about 2 minutes until my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I wanted to make it all the way past the barn...only made it to the stop sign.

I was pretty discouraged to realize how bad at running I really am. I psyc'd myself up to try again and this time made it about 3 minutes. After my brief runs, I followed up with some good ole' fashioned, hip-shaking, grandma speed walking. I was I tried one more "test run" and made it about another 3 minutes.

Total time out 38 minutes.

Running - about 8 minutes
Speed Walking - about 30 minutes

Next time, I'm shooting to run in 5 minute intervals. I'll get there...I promise!! At least I got out there today, and now I'm not as scared to "Tri" again.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Butt hurts!!!

Maybe 50 minutes was too much!!! I had a busy day and now it hurts to sit down! Yikes! Guess that I need to get some special "Bike shorts" immediately to protect my buns and bones around there!!!

Thanks to Mike and Alex, I received some great advice on some bikes and plan on going around next weekend and trying a few out. I don't know how serious I am about this, so I'm thinking that I might buy used first. As Mike said, I can always upgrade things later!

Alright, off to soak my achy buns!

Back on the Saddle..

After few days of slacking...and recovering from "the Cleanse"...I got up bright and early today and headed to the YMCA. Just to see if I could push myself, I decided that I would try to bike 13 miles....just to see if I could.

Well, I did!

And, I did it well! I did 13.5 miles in 50 minutes. My goal was to do it in 45 minutes in 5 I definitely think that I'm on my way.

Still need to look into what times "real triathletes" complete this in...but for now, I'm happy with my progress.

Next Saturday, I'm completing a "Total Body Fitness" see where I am and where I need to go. Plus, help tell me how I'm going to get there!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cleanse - Day 6!

Not good! Up until this point, I was a HUGE fan of the cleanse. I felt better. Lighter. Had more energy. Life was good. Well, I guess that was too good to be true.

I woke up at 3 am today with a splitting Migraine-style headache. My belly was rumbling and so was my head. I took some pills and went back to bed.

5am - woke up in more pain and decided that I must not work out today.

Reset the alarm for 6:30 and at that point decided that I couldn't even get out of bed.

Don't know if it's the toxins in my body or just the worst Migraine of my life. All I know is that I'm semi-recovered now...but still not able to stand up for long periods of time.

I'm going to try to take tomorrow easy and then get back on the wagon of Friday! NOT GOOD!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So I was a little nervous...yet again, for my first day back on a bike. Could it be my broken butt that I had in high school to bring these nerves up again...possibly...or could it be the fear of not being able to do part of the Triathlon? Well, it's probably a little of I took it easy my first time back on a bike in, well, let's just say 15 years!

The good news is I did 20 minutes plus a 5 minute cool down and completed 4.98 miles and burned 120 calories. Yeah! I definitely was not pushing myself too this is great for my 13 miles I have to complete in June!

Goal today is to find times for a Sprint Triathlon and set my goals accordingly. Rich and I were talking last night and came up with:

20 minutes for .5 mile swim
45 minutes for 13 mile bike
35 minutes for 3 mile run

Total - 1 hour and 40 minutes for completion. Don't know if this is good or bad...or if everyone will be packed up and gone home by the time I'm done. I figured...I need a goal to push for...well, besides the whole Triathlon thing.

Yep, I love lists and love goals. I'm a little anal!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 1 - Now I'm serious!

Set my alarm for 5am today to go swimming....and didn't even hit snooze. I do admit that I debated in my head for a few minutes "is this really going to be the week that I start"....well, after about 2 minutes of arguing with myself in my head...I figured today was as good as any day!

I jumped out of bed...grabbed my swimsuit and was out the door...less than 7 minutes later I was at the YMCA. With a minor hitch, I forgot my lock in the car...I was in the pool only a few minutes later. Of course, I rinsed off before getting in the pool and debated again "maybe I can just stay in this shower for 20 minutes and convince Rich that I swam?"...well, it's not Rich who is doing the Triathlon and if I don't start now, I WILL NEVER BE READY!

I got in the pool...and swam for 25 minutes. WOO HOO!

.25 mile breaststroke
.25 mile freestyle
.125 mile cool down breaststroke

I even swam over .25 miles without stopping. For not being in a pool in years...and being where I am physically...I am excited.

Pretty soon...I'll be doing the whole .50 mile and laughing at how hard it was in the beginning.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Cleanse, Drink Water, Repeat!

Today I started a full body cleanse and am excited to see how it goes. I thought that it would be a great way to "kick-start" my training and help me feel better at the same time.

My goal is to get rid of some excess waste and just allow my body to feel better.

Day 1 - 135.2 lbs

Let's see how "FULL" of it I really am.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

About me!

I used to swim. I used to bike. I've never run.

It's been about 13 years since I swam competitively and about the same amount of time since I've been on a bike. I've tried my legs at running a few times...but always stop when I can feel my thighs and buns jiggle.

First step - today I purchased a "cleanse" from Whole Foods to get me all healthy as I start on my journey. I've been to the pool 2 times this week and swam 1/2 mile each time. Good start...but the real training starts next week. This week was just to EASE myself in.

I've realized already that:

a. this is going to be A LOT harder than I thought, and
b. I'm A LOT more out of shape than I thought!

My goal is to SUCCESSFULLY complete my Sprint Triathlon (1/2 mile swim, 13 mile bike and 3 mile run) and get healthy while doing it.

It should be fun and quite a journey. My spirits are high today and am excited to get started!


I'm going to Tri...

Let me introduce myself, my name is Stacie and I'm from Bothell, WA. After a night of drinking in Pullman (go dawgs), I decided that in 2009 I was going to participate in a Triathlon. I woke up, thought about it again, and thought, WHY NOT?

I'm 29. About to be married and also about to be 30 years old. No quarter life crisis for's all the third life crisis.

I got hooked on blogging when I started one for my fiance and I to chronicle our wedding plans, home purchase and life...and now thought that it would be fun to start one on my journey to my TRI.

Wish me luck. Here I will vent about training, report on how I'm doing, etc. Any words of wisdom or encouragement will be greatly appreciated.

The countdown is on!