Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rough shape...

I'm walking with a limp today...and it's not because I'm cool. I hit my foot at the pool last night and broke part of my pinkie toe nail...and then got up this morning and went for a walk...and got a huge blister on the ball of my same foot.

Rough times! I put a bandaid on and am working through the pain! Better now...than closer to the TRI!

So, that's it...I walked for 2 miles today...did the big hill and headed by home. I'm hoping to start being about to do the hit 3 or 4 times and eventually running too!

Game on!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 2...almost a big win!

I didn't make it up for the walk/jog this morning (due to rain)...but I did make it to the pool after work. Woo hoo! I did 3 sets of 16 in 30 minutes!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Kicked back into working out...


Picture future husband's mom, i.e. my future Mother-in-Law was at lunch with us yesterday and she said that she had asked Rich how my training was going...and he said "You better ask Stacie"....otherwise known as...not well.

It's true...I fell off the wagon. I got sick of training...I don't know how to run...and I'm not sure that is going to happen by June 20th...but I decided today, I'm going to TRI my hardest and do the best I can.


The alarm went off at 5am today and there was no way that was I reset for 6am and went for a 2 mile jaunt around the track. It was 30 minutes...but it was the FIRST step in the right direction in a while.

I have a little over 1.5 months to go...and I'm going to give it my all! Here goes!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Riding the Bike...

It was beautiful outside when I got home from work last I decided to take my "maiden" journey on the new bike!

It was great...a little awkward at first, but once I got the hang of was great! So excited to get out there again.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Walk/Run...I woke up today and it was BEAUTIFUL outside. I did a 3 mile walk/run loop through my neighborhood...then went down to Bothell Ski and Bike and got a NEW BIKE!

Yeah, I'm almost set.

Ordered my Tri-Suit on Wednesday and now a bike! I'm getting closer to nailing this TRI!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 3...Getting Stronger!

Over the weekend, I got up on Saturday and did a 2 mile walk....

Today, I did my full 2.8 miles run-walk in 39 minutes and 270 Calories...then, I hit up the bike for 5 miles, 22 minutes and 133 more Calories.

Still plugging along!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A little more...

today...30 minutes bike...10.5 miles and 150 Calories...10 minute walk/jog! That's it folks!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Oops! Real Week 2!

Week 2 of my new training schedule actually started today! After a busy weekend at my parent's house, it was nice to hit the gym tonight! The nice weather was fantastic too!

30 minute bike - 7.45 miles - 203 Calories
20 minute walk/jog - 4 walk/ 2 jog intervals for 1.4 miles and 130 was nice because I made it through my running and thought that I could push myself for more! I will be running 1 mile in no time!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Week 2, Day 3 and 4!

Day 3 was a bust!
Day 4 was a bike! Haha! Did a power 30 on the bike...7.3 miles and 200 calories!